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Advertising & Fundraising

The following work was made for a Advertising & Fundraising course I took at the University of Pittsburgh. 

April 19, 2017

Nike Original Campaign

This details an advertising campaign I created for the apparel company Nike.  The document contains a creative brief explaining the nuances of the campaign.  It also contains two TV as scripts, six Instagram posts, and two print ads with explanatory paragraphs explaining the purpose and goals of each of the ads.

February 20, 2017


This contains an original TV ad that I created to resemble the old "Mac vs. PC" TV ads.  We were tasked with creating an original, modern take on the ad, but still use the same style and format.

February 06, 2017

Fundraising Letter

This is a fictional fundraising letter that I created where I pose a an employee for Syracuse University asking for donations from an alumna.

January 18, 2017

Print Ad

This is print ad that we had to create based on an image of a tortoise and a hare combined.  We could come up with an original company or incorporate it into an existing company.  Accompanying it is a paragraph explaining my creative choices for the ad.

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